On Monday (28 September 2020), we started preparing for Stravinsky's evening, which will combine two well-known works - Petrushka and The Firebird by the Russian composer Igor Fyodorovich Stravinsky. It is an interesting combination of modern ballet - dance, music, and design. Both works were composed at the beginning of the last century, and they represent Russian folk culture captured by the author, who was fascinated by it basically all his life. His top titles include, in addition to the already mentioned Petrushka and The Firebird, The Rite of Spring and The Wedding.
An important Slovak choreographer Igor Holováč is coming to the Slovak Dance Theatre. Under his leadership, we will be working on the full premiere of a production of Petrushka. Since 1984 he has been a part of the Slovak National Theatre (SND) in Bratislava, where he worked as a long-term soloist. The year 2014 was especially significant for him as it was then that he began to work as a ballet master. He has also collaborated with other theatres, such as the West Theatre, the State Theatre in Košice, the Josef Kajetán Tyl Theatre in Pilsen, the Czech Republic, the Jonáš Záborský Theatre in Prešov, etc. He has won various awards for his interpretive and choreographic work. We are honoured to have the opportunity to collaborate with such a professional artist, whose experience will have a positive impact on our dancers.
The choreography of The Firebird is taken over by the choreographer and director Ján Ďurovčík, who premiered this ballet performance in Tokyo in 2004 and four years later it was also presented to Slovak audiences. He has received numerous positive reviews and it is one of his most successful titles. That is why we have no doubt that this production will earn great success even after years.
Yesterday, new measures in connection with the current emergency situation were imposed affecting also cultural events. Nevertheless, we firmly believe that we will be able to present the premieres, which we have scheduled for November 13 and 14 at IUVENTA in Bratislava, without significant restrictions.
For more watch: https://www.sdt.sk/en/node/195